Personal Collections

Citations Annotations

Architectural Theory & Gender Studies

Comprising women from all architectural backgrounds, from students to architects with 20 years experience, researchers, interior designers and landscape architects, SOFA has 30-40 members each season and runs small groups and SOFA salons. Topics are chosen by the group leaders, here is the text list for Book Club : Architectural Theory & Gender Studies, one […]

1 August, 2024

Memories of the Women of Graubünden

Frauenkulturarchiv Graubünden is a place of refuge for us women, said Edith Freitag, a long-standing member of the association. A testimony to the cultural life of women in Graubünden Frauenkulturarchiv Graubünden – the Graubünden, or Grisons, Women’s Cultural Archive – is located at Goldgasse 10, Chur, Switzerland. It is an independent and non-profit foundation for […]

11 July, 2024

Galpi Project 갈피 프로젝트 #6-#9

  CAC Seoul – Curating Architecture Collective Seoul – is currently running the Galpi Project 갈피 프로젝트 , starting in September 2023, which extracts architectural forms contained in books and buildings and builds its own reference tower. Based on the etymology of the word ‘Galpi 갈피’, which means “a gap between or between each overlapping […]

5 March, 2024

Parlour Reading Room 6: Intersectional practice – a DIY manifesto

The sixth and final theme in the Parlour Reading Room series built on and wove together ideas from the previous five themes to explore existing and emerging methods for practicing intersectional feminism within built environment professions.The discussion re-visited Sarah Ahmed’s thoughts on creating a killjoy manifesto in her Living a Feminist Life and how to […]

19 August, 2023

Urban Design Group Library

The Urban Design Group, based in London, has a small library of around 200 publication titles on its website, each of which is accompanied by a review. 50 of these were written, edited or co-authored by women, and so the editors of women writing architecture have added these to the list.

21 July, 2023

Youlhwadang Book Museum

It was a day of heavy rain during the summer of 2022. When I arrived, drenched, at the Youlhwadang Book Museum, chief editor Soojung Yi and chief curator Hye-Gyoung Chung warmly welcomed me in. Youlhwadang is located in Paju Book City, a place about an hour away from Seoul by bus inhabited by a group […]

19 October, 2022

S AM Publications

In the summer of 2022, Women Writing Architecture requested a list of publications from the Swiss Architecture Museum in Basel for the compilation of this collection. Out of a total of 80 publications in conjunction with the S AM exhibition, 32 publications are written by female authors. This is closely related to Ulrike Jehle-Schulte Strathaus, […]

14 October, 2022

Theater Neumarkt : Feminism and Gender

This collection has been compiled from a reading list by co-director Tine Milz at Theater Neumarkt, who contributed to Episode 2 : A book I love.   Who created and wrote the world we live in? Feminism is pretty often intricately linked to Sexism, Racism, Gender, and Politics. The third Chapter brings us closer to the way […]

26 August, 2022


Loké excerpt The list is composed of selections made by participants in Loké and it’s predecessor, BI, which is discussed in the conversation between Erandi de Silva, editor of Loké, and Helen Thomas, editor at Women Writing Architecture: Helen Thomas: The origins of Loké lie in a project you started over ten years ago, called […]

26 June, 2022

Parlour Reading Room 5: Intersectionality and the climate crisis 

The fifth Parlour Reading Room collection considers the climate crisis through an intersectional lens, imagining our “still possible shared futures” (Osborne, 2018, 148). The collection highlights the need to undo dominant concepts of nature, the politics of failure for the politically depressed, the impact of Climate Change on Indigenous communities and whether the equal representation […]

26 April, 2022

Parlour Reading Room 4: Intersectional urban environments

The fourth Parlour Reading Room collection considers the built environment through an intersectional feminist lens, questioning equity and the city, and exploring the connections between public space and power. The collection touches on trans feminism, queer design strategies and the argument for community-led projects and design justice. In February 2022, we hosted a conversation between […]

25 April, 2022

Parlour Reading Room 3: Collective access

The third Parlour Reading Room collection considers the built environment through a feminist lens, reflecting on and questioning accessibility and the importance of noticing the “diverse perceptions and experiences of occupying built space” (Boys, 2018, p. 37). Through the collection, we ask how the social model of disability manifests in architectural practice and the built […]

22 April, 2022

Parlour Reading Room 2: The profession through an intersectional lens

The second theme of the Parlour Reading Room explores inclusivity and diversity within built environment professions. With Denise Scott Brown’s essay, “Room at the Top? Sexism and the Star System in Architecture”, Marie-Louise Richards’ essay in Field Journal: “Becoming a Feminist Architect” and other read-watch-listen materials, we ask how status affects inclusivity within the architectural […]

20 April, 2022

Parlour Reading Room 1: Introducing intersectional feminism

The Parlour Reading Room was launched in August 2020 by Anwyn Hocking and Sophie Adsett. It offers an invitation for the Parlour community to delve deeper into themes related to intersectional feminist theory, practice and the built environment. The initiative provides the framework for individuals to self-organise book club groups with their friends, family and […]

20 April, 2022

Madame ETH

To accompany the exhibition Life Without Buildings curated by Adam Szymczyk, the gta exhibition team created Madame ETH located in Kiosk K67. This red kiosk was designed by Slovenian architect Saša Mächtig as a multi-purpose structure for the street. It takes the form of a modular smooth plastic shell, which here becomes a bookshop in […]

17 March, 2022

The Foyer. A Unique Narrative atelier

The Foyer. is Marta and Blanca Vives, sisters and architects of the inner life of the project. Their intention for participating in Women Writing Architecture is to deepen insights of the texts that they curate from a Unique Narrative angle. Unique Narrative is the orphaned step zero; the recreation of an inner world through a […]

19 January, 2022

Eureka! Touring Library

The Eureka! Touring Library is an annual project generated by JuangZong Books & Deng Yuanye, and in their words, it: brings together the world’s leading independent and academic publishing houses that are dedicated to the contents of architecture. Eureka! Touring Library showcases the best of the year’s newest publications, the private libraries of master architects, […]

14 November, 2021

Hochparterre Bücher recommends

This simple collection consists of recent books by women that can be found at the Hochparterre bookshop in Zurich. Some of them are accompanied by annotations written by the shop’s managers, Cornelia Thalmann and Anne Müller.

7 October, 2021

Cartha 2018: Building Identity

During its fourth year (2018), Cartha was concerned with Building Identity. The content – editorials, essays, projects, visual essays, and interviews – is divided into five parts, each one : ASSIMILATION The absorption and integration of people, ideas, or culture into a wider society or culture. The process of becoming similar to something. The process […]

2 August, 2021

Cartha 2019: The Possible Progress

The first part of The Possible Progress lays the theoretical foundation upon which a series of answers by key guests will be set. The editors begin with this complex question: The Positivist Stage, as stated by Comte, marked the entry into an era when, due to gradual but constant scientific developments, increasingly accurate predictions of […]

31 July, 2021

Cartha 2020: Invisible Structures

In 2020, the Cartha team invited specialists in computation, history, the arts, sciences and economics to contemplate the ways that the systems that generate the invisible structures of contemporary society, whose presence is outlined in the editors’ introductory extract below, are embedded in and inform their research. The outcomes of some of these discussions are […]

28 July, 2021

Baubibliothek ETH Zürich

The following collection has been curated by Baubibliothek librarian Petra Gehrmann during June 2021, who has carried out the task of identifying books in the collection written by women that address the role and presence of women in the architecture profession.

24 June, 2021

WAI Architecture Think Tank

The practice of WAI Architecture Think Tank questions the political, historical, material legacy and imperatives of architecture and urbanism. WAI is one of their platforms of public engagement, which include Intelligentsia Gallery and the education platform and trade-school Loudreaders. Amongst others, their work has been exhibited at the Chicago Architecture Biennial and the Museum of […]

24 June, 2021

African State Architecture

The principal intention of African State Architecture is to open up discussion around understanding statehood through architecture through a comparative study of state buildings in a selection of African countries, including Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, and South Africa. Quoting from the research summary of this project based at SOAS, London: Public buildings help define and […]

1 March, 2021

Drawing Matter

Drawing Matter are continuously adding new texts to their website, and this collection begins with a snapshot of writing by women about architectural drawings that appear on the site in May 2021, when there was a total of 686 texts. Included in this selection of 151 texts are some interesting series, such as Philippa Lewis’ […]

24 February, 2021

Architecture Foundation’s Bedtime Stories, 2020

In response to the first COVID-19 lockdown, which caused the closure of all live venues, London’s Architecture Foundation created an ambitious 100-day programme of online events (100 weekdays from Monday April 6th 2020 to Thursday August 27th 2020). The channel often showed three or four lectures, readings, films, or performances a day. One element of […]

11 February, 2021

Library of the Royal Institute of British Architects

This collection was put together by the Women Writing Architecture editors, and records the section of Royal Institute of British Architects devoted to Women in Architecture, collected under the classification 72-055.2. The books on this shelf at the back of the library numbered 53 in June 2020.

1 February, 2021