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Elizabeth Darling on Making Space: Women and the Manmade Environment

28 May, 2021

I read this while studying for my Master’s in Architectural History in 1990-91. It was key for me in seeing how one might challenge the unthinkingness in the discipline (still regrettably present) about who is thought to be worthy of study. I loved all the chapters but especially that by Barbara McFarlane, on the women’s housing sub-committee established in Britain during the First World War to investigate women’s needs in housing. This opened up a whole new world to me of women’s voices in history and spurred me on to listen and look for those who had come to be ‘not seen’ in our pasts.


Elizabeth Darling on Making Space: Women and the Manmade Environment

I read this while studying for my Master’s in Architectural History in 1990-91. It was key for me in seeing how one might challenge the unthinkingness in the discipline (still regrettably present) about who is thought to be worthy of study. I loved all the chapters but especially that by Barbara McFarlane, on the women’s […]