Copyright Bookshop recommends
9 November, 2021

Marie José Van Hee and Hilde Peleman with the first book produced by Copyright Slow Publishing
This simple collection consists of recent books by women that can be found at the Copyright bookshops in Ghent and Antwerp. Some of them are accompanied by annotations written by founder Hilde Peleman.
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20 Citations in this Collection:
Barbara Zeman (editor)
Jelena Pančevac (editor) Kersten Geers (editor)
Marta Rocha Moreira (editor) Rui Jorge Garcia Ramos (editor) Virgílio Borges Pereiro (editor) Sérgio Dias Silva (editor)
Louisa Hutton Matthias Sauerbruch
Maryse Quinton André Tavares
Sandra Hofmeister (editor)
Nina Zimmer (editor) Fabienne Eggelhöfer (editor)
Claudia Mion (editor)
Edith Wouters (editor) Evelien Pieters (editor) Ward Verbakel (editor) Bart Biermans Joeri De Bruyn (editor)
Hera Van Sande (editor)
Marie-José Van Hee Katrien Vandermarliere (editor)
Pamela Johnston (editor)