Personal Collections

Citations Annotations

ISBN+ – A bookshop selection

ISBN+ is a contemporary art centre and specialised bookshop with the aim of making contemporary visual culture more accessible and comprehensible. ISBN+ serves not only as a hosting venue but also as a genuine meeting point where creators, artworks, and independent art publications converge. Independent Publications ISBN+ is dedicated to exploring, collecting, exhibiting, and distributing […]

25 November, 2024

Parlour Reading Room 6: Intersectional practice – a DIY manifesto

The sixth and final theme in the Parlour Reading Room series built on and wove together ideas from the previous five themes to explore existing and emerging methods for practicing intersectional feminism within built environment professions.The discussion re-visited Sarah Ahmed’s thoughts on creating a killjoy manifesto in her Living a Feminist Life and how to […]

19 August, 2023

Parlour Reading Room 5: Intersectionality and the climate crisis 

The fifth Parlour Reading Room collection considers the climate crisis through an intersectional lens, imagining our “still possible shared futures” (Osborne, 2018, 148). The collection highlights the need to undo dominant concepts of nature, the politics of failure for the politically depressed, the impact of Climate Change on Indigenous communities and whether the equal representation […]

26 April, 2022

Parlour Reading Room 4: Intersectional urban environments

The fourth Parlour Reading Room collection considers the built environment through an intersectional feminist lens, questioning equity and the city, and exploring the connections between public space and power. The collection touches on trans feminism, queer design strategies and the argument for community-led projects and design justice. In February 2022, we hosted a conversation between […]

25 April, 2022

Parlour Reading Room 3: Collective access

The third Parlour Reading Room collection considers the built environment through a feminist lens, reflecting on and questioning accessibility and the importance of noticing the “diverse perceptions and experiences of occupying built space” (Boys, 2018, p. 37). Through the collection, we ask how the social model of disability manifests in architectural practice and the built […]

22 April, 2022

Parlour Reading Room 2: The profession through an intersectional lens

The second theme of the Parlour Reading Room explores inclusivity and diversity within built environment professions. With Denise Scott Brown’s essay, “Room at the Top? Sexism and the Star System in Architecture”, Marie-Louise Richards’ essay in Field Journal: “Becoming a Feminist Architect” and other read-watch-listen materials, we ask how status affects inclusivity within the architectural […]

20 April, 2022

Parlour Reading Room 1: Introducing intersectional feminism

The Parlour Reading Room was launched in August 2020 by Anwyn Hocking and Sophie Adsett. It offers an invitation for the Parlour community to delve deeper into themes related to intersectional feminist theory, practice and the built environment. The initiative provides the framework for individuals to self-organise book club groups with their friends, family and […]

20 April, 2022

Caryatide: Always work in progress

Between 11 and 26 February 2022 the editorial staff of Caryatide were installed, temporarily, at the Galerie d’Architecture de Paris, transforming the rooms into a hybrid space where working  and exhibiting went hand in hand. The exhibition offered the visitor the opportunity to discover their projects-in-progress. A documented presentation of the projects at their respective […]

15 February, 2022

Reading Room

Over the weekend of 11/12 September 2021 the garden of ZAZ was populated by an event hosted by Annexe Book Fair, Zine Making, and Dumpling Making Workshop Join us and our guests to browse through a selection of key feminist texts and hear about why they are important and relevant to read today. After browsing, […]

1 October, 2021
Emilie Appercé on I’m every woman Emilie Appercé on The Problem of Speaking For Others Emilie Appercé on Maintenance Art Emilie Appercé on Une paysanne entre ferme, marché et associations Emilie Appercé on Vom möblierten Zimmer bis zur Wohnung Valerie Keller on A Room of One’s Own Hirante Welandawe on A Room of One’s Own Maria Conen on A Room of One’s Own Adam Caruso on The Grand Domestic Revolution Anne-Marie Armstrong on Grand Domestic Revolution Stéphanie Dadour on Grand Domestic Revolution Lucia Bernini, Jonas Heller, Florian Reisner, Sofia Gloor on Manifesto for Maintenance Art Sonja Flury on Vom möblierten Zimmer bis zur Wohnung Hochparterre on Frauen in der Architektur Amy Perkins on Ahmed for Architecture Students Amy Perkins on Architectural Flirtations Emilie Appercé on the New Woman’s Survival Catalog Loudreaders on Caliban and the Witch Murielle Morger and Eva Schneuwly on Caliban and the Witch Murielle Morger and Eva Schneuwly on Caliban and the Witch Linda Sjøqvist on The Mediated Plant Grégoire Bridel and Remy Carron on Staying with the Trouble Petra Gehrmann on A City Inside Petra Gehrmann on Apsara Engine Petra Gehrmann on A House Under the Sun Penelope Haralambidou on City of Ladies Francisco Moura Veiga on Le Livre de la Cité des Dames Katia Frey on Le Livre de la Cité des Dames Soo Jin Kim on A Killjoy Survival Kit Paul Grieguszies on Caliban and the Witch Sonja Flury on Breaking Ground Seounju Kim on Staying with the Trouble Helen Thomas on Witches and Gossip Soo Jin Kim on The Master’s Tools will Never Dismantle the Master’s House


Loudreaders is an open pedagogical platform and free trade school, that engages with architectural education as a form of mutual aid and critical solidarity in the age of COVID-19. It is based on the emancipating and persecuted alternative practice of education performed by lectors like Luisa Capetillo in the tobacco factories in the Caribbean. The […]

24 June, 2021

Architecture Foundation’s Bedtime Stories, 2020

In response to the first COVID-19 lockdown, which caused the closure of all live venues, London’s Architecture Foundation created an ambitious 100-day programme of online events (100 weekdays from Monday April 6th 2020 to Thursday August 27th 2020). The channel often showed three or four lectures, readings, films, or performances a day. One element of […]

11 February, 2021

FU Berlin to commemorate the 100th birthday of Simone de Beauvoir

Women writing about women writing about architecture. At the 2008 conference held at the FU Berlin to commemorate the 100th birthday of Simone de Beauvoir, many speakers called for new frameworks to understand her prodigious and diverse oeuvre, which included philosophy, literature, biography, letters, and gender studies. Intrigued by this suggestion, over the years I […]

1 February, 2021