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Loudreaders on Anti-Racist Manifesto

24 June, 2021

One of Puerto Rico’s leading feminist collectives examines how racial states operate, focusing on the colony of Puerto Rico. In this six-point manifesto la colectiva reaffirms, together with the Black feminists who have gone before them – ‘that the liberation of Black women will be the end of all oppression, the end of the racial state in all its manifestations and all its articulations with different structures of power.’ The manifesto addresses six points: End the war against black people, reparations, investment, economic justice, power to communities, and political power. Rocio Zambrana loudreads Anti-Racist Manifesto on the twenty-third session of Loudreaders.

Loudreaders on Anti-Racist Manifesto

One of Puerto Rico’s leading feminist collectives examines how racial states operate, focusing on the colony of Puerto Rico. In this six-point manifesto la colectiva reaffirms, together with the Black feminists who have gone before them – ‘that the liberation of Black women will be the end of all oppression, the end of the racial […]