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Loudreaders on Scenes of Subjection

24 June, 2021

The fifth chapter of Scenes of Subjection, ‘Fashioning obligation: Indebted Servitude and the Fetters of Slavery’, offers reading to understanding the afterlife of slavery, not as legacy but through the mechanisms that operate today. As contemporary anti-racist feminist movements in colonized territories employ subversive interruptions to coloniality and work through decolonial praxis, it becomes imperative to understand how the premature death of racialized subjects are a direct product of colonialist racial norms that adapt, reproduce and reinstall through debt and other forms of institutional, economic, political, and social violence. Rocio Zambrana loudreads Scenes of Subjection on the twenty-third session of Loudreaders.


Loudreaders on Scenes of Subjection

The fifth chapter of Scenes of Subjection, ‘Fashioning obligation: Indebted Servitude and the Fetters of Slavery’, offers reading to understanding the afterlife of slavery, not as legacy but through the mechanisms that operate today. As contemporary anti-racist feminist movements in colonized territories employ subversive interruptions to coloniality and work through decolonial praxis, it beco...