Emilie Appercé on Une paysanne entre ferme, marché et associations
3 October, 2021
Book recommended by Gianna Ledermann during the reading room session organised by Annexe at ZAZ, Zentrum Architektur Zürich. At the death of her husband, Augusta Gillabert-Randin takes over the farm alone. In this particularly touching extract entitled ‘Trente années de ma vie comme fermière (1893-1923)’, she retraces in numbers the last 30 years of the humble daily duties that a farmer has to fulfil thanks to the simple but regular accounting she keeps of the work done. Une paysanne entre ferme, marché et associations gathers texts she wrote between 1918 and 1940. The book was co-authored by Marthe Gosteli, daughter of farmer and member of the Parti des paysans, artisans et indépendants, she understands at an early age the importance of political commitment in order to change things. She contributed greatly to the acceptance of women’s suffrage in Switzerland and created an independent archive dedicated to the history of the women’s movement in Switzerland.