What do buildings mean? An Iconographic Collection of Helen Rosenau, Susanne Lang and Frances Yates
What do buildings mean? This questioning of the subject has always been a less straightforward issue in architecture than in painting or sculpture. An iconography of painting can be relatively direct. A woman depicted with an iron studded wheel while clutching a martyr’s palm is St. Catherine, an image rendered with personal and historic moment […]
Gerard Carty on Seven Winters
In Seven Winters (1942), the city of Dublin, where she spent her early years, appears as a reflection, a translation of the felt experience of a seven year old, now in mature years, piecing together the characters of the city, its form and colour where the tense distances that one only slowly demolished gave a […]
Gender, Sexuality, and the Built Environment
The issue of gender and sexuality in architecture are still themes that are questioned as being relevant, a situation that Jessica Ellen Sewell challenges in her seminar course at the University of Virginia: When I tell people that I work on gender and architecture, I often get one of two responses: “you mean like phallic […]
Gender, Space, Architecture: An Interdisciplinary Introduction
Making Space: Women and the Manmade Environment
Who Needs the Top? An Ungentle Manifesto
‘A citizen as well as a housewife’: New Spaces of Domesticity in 1930s London
Annmarie Adams on Montreal, City of Water
This annotation is an extract from Annmarie Adams (2019) review ‘Montreal, City of Water: An Environmental History’, Canadian Journal of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, Vol. 41 No. 1, 2019, 73-74
Architectural Theory & Gender Studies
Comprising women from all architectural backgrounds, from students to architects with 20 years experience, researchers, interior designers and landscape architects, SOFA has 30-40 members each season and runs small groups and SOFA salons. Topics are chosen by the group leaders, here is the text list for Book Club : Architectural Theory & Gender Studies, one […]
Eliana Perotti on Metropolis
The screenplay for Fritz Lang’s legendary film Metropolis, which shaped the classic, albeit dystopian, image of the modern city, goes back to an often-unnamed author, Thea von Harbou, who was well known during her time as the writer of screenplays for the film. The script was preceded by a novel in which the disturbing and […]