Feminism and Architecture
19 September, 2023
Has feminism impacted architecture?
asks Professor Annmarie Adams of McGill University … let’s discuss
This 13-week graduate-level lecture and seminar course (ARCH 684) at McGill University covering 37 texts (only four by men) begins with this challenge. “If Architect Barbie gets us talking, then more power to her,” is the opening statement, quoted from Despina Stratigakos. At the start of each class, Annmarie Adams projects ten images, inspired by the readings, as a stimulus to discussion. Highlights from the course include guest appearances by Olivier Vallerand and Gail Dubrow, a session in which students remembered their first schools and analyzed the floor plans with regards to gendered expectations, and an optimistic discussion, inspired by Dolores Hayden’s famous article, about what might constitute a non-sexist architecture school.
One of the tasks set for students in the course includes the invitation to use their voice and connect to others interested in the subject via womenwritingarchiture.org. Each of the 31 students has chosen a text by the author closest to their name in the alphabet to write an annotation about.
During one of the ARCH 684 seminars, on 13 November 2023, students worked in small groups to recall and reconstruct the floor plans of their first schools. They remembered these institutions with extraordinary accuracy. Photos by Annmarie Adams.