A Book I Love Poetry Companion Text, Ways of feeling Slowly: a plainsong from an older woman to a younger woman 1974 Judy Grahn
Youlhwadang Book Museum Anthology, Poetry Writing Bouquet 朝鮮女流漢詩選集 꽃다발 ko 1944 Kim Samuidang Heo Nanseolheon I Maechang Kim Eok (translator) et al.
Youlhwadang Book Museum Poetry Domesticity, Representation, Travel The Orchid Door 1935 Joan Grigsby (translator) Lilian Miller (illustrator)
Youlhwadang Book Museum Catalogue, Poetry Representation Flowers and Folk-Lore from far Korea 1931 Florence Hedleston Crane
Parlour Reading Room 1: Introducing intersectional feminism Poetry Who Said It Was Simple 1973 Audre Lorde
Metropolis Bookshop’s Sisters in Architecture Book, Poetry Shared space, Travel, Ways of feeling, Ways of thinking, Writing Occasional Work and Seven Walks from the Office for Soft Architecture 2003 Lisa Robertson Elisabeth Gellein on Occasional Works and Seven Walks from the Office for Soft Architecture
Theater Neumarkt : Feminism and Gender Book, Fiction, Manuscript, Novel, Poetry Contact zones, Feminism, Vernacular Dictee 딕테 fr ko 1982 Theresa Hak Kyung Cha Jaehee Shin on Dictee
Loudreaders Poetry Capitalocene, Contact zones While They Sleep: Under the Bed is Another Country 2010 Raquel Salas Rivera Loudreaders on While They Sleep
Fifty-Fifty: Acoustics in Public Spaces and 50 Years of Women’s Voting Rights in Switzerland 2021 Fiction, Poetry The Bell Jar 1966 Sylvia Plath
Orlando, Women’s Writing in the British Isles Poetry Burning Lord’s and Common’s 1836 Caroline Norton
Architecture Foundation’s Bedtime Stories, 2020 Lecture, Poetry Ways of thinking The Current of the River of Life Moves Us 1979 Agnes Martin
Fantastic refuge Poetry Ways of thinking Primero sueño/First Dream es 1692 Juana Inés de la Cruz Helen Thomas on Primero Sueño