The Author Speaks
14 April, 2023
Each episode of The Author Speaks (T-A-S) series is a short interview where we find out a little about the approach and inspirations of different female producers of text, focussing each time on one of their works. Our circle of guests extends globally to women that in some way or another, engage with an idea of architecture.
Episode 1: Cyberfeminism Index by Mindy Seu, interviewed by Emilie Appercé and Jaehee Shin
Episode 2: Living with an Infected Planet by Elke Krasny, interviewed by Helen Thomas and Adam Caruso
Episode 3: Denise Scott Brown In Other Eyes, Portraits of an Architect edited by Frida Grahn, interviewed by Emilie Appercé and Helen Thomas
Episode 4: Chambres des Amis by An Fonteyne, coming soon
The episodes can be listened to below. They can also be found on Spotify.
Episode 1 : Cyberfeminism Index by Mindy Seu, interviewed by Emilie Appercé and Jaehee Shin
On the occasion of Mindy Seu’s Cyberfeminism Index world tour, the WWA editors Emilie Appercé and Jaehee Shin met with her at the Zurich University of the Arts to discuss the evolution of her project since she launched the Cyberfeminism Index website in 2020, and the future of the index, which now exists in both digital and physical form.
Mindy Seu (designer, researcher), Emilie Appercé (architect, WWA editor), Jaehee Shin (architect, WWA editor)
An atelier of the ZHdK, Zurich University of the Arts in Zürich
Episode 2 : Living with an Infected Planet by Elke Krasny, interviewed by Helen Thomas and Adam Caruso
In June 2023, Elke Krasny, in Zurich for a conference, made a detour to Ennenda (Glarus) out of curiosity. This was inspired by the Anna Göldi Museum, dedicated to the last woman killed as a witch in Europe.
At the museum, Elke met with Helen Thomas of Women Writing Architecture and Adam Caruso, architect and teacher, to talk about her book Living with an Infected Planet. COVID-19, Feminism, and the Global Frontline of Care (2023).
Elke Krasny (cultural and architectural theorist, teacher, curator), Helen Thomas (architect, publisher, WWA editor) and Adam Caruso (architect, teacher)
Anna Göldi Museum, Ennenda, Glarus
Episode 3 : Denise Scott Brown: In Other Eyes, Portraits of an Architect edited by Frida Grahn, interviewed by Helen Thomas and Emilie Appercé
In July 2023, Frida Grahn, back in Switzerland after a sojourn in the US where she took part in a symposium on Denise Scott Brown, joined us in Ennenda (Glarus) to talk about her book Denise Scott Brown in Other Eyes, Portraits of an Architect. This edited volume is the result of an encounter with Denise during the research process of her PhD, The Reception of Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown in Switzerland.
Frida Grahn (architect, historian of architecture), Helen Thomas (architect, publisher, WWA editor) and Emilie Appercé (architect, WWA editor)
Ennenda, Glarus