Marianne Fischbacher Anthropologist, Curator Ilanz/Glion, CH Marianne Fischbacher is an ethnologist, an author, and a museum curator. Citations by Marianne Fischbacher Memories of the Women of Graubünden Book Oral history Frauenleben in Graubünden de 1998 Rita Cathomas-Bearth Marianne Fischbacher Ursula Jecklin-Schmid Silke Redolfi on Frauenleben in Graubünden
Memories of the Women of Graubünden Book Oral history Frauenleben in Graubünden de 1998 Rita Cathomas-Bearth Marianne Fischbacher Ursula Jecklin-Schmid Silke Redolfi on Frauenleben in Graubünden