DRAG Lab Book Club (2021)
25 June, 2021
This collection lists the syllabus of the first DRAG lab book club semester. The DRAG lab book club is a format for horizontal discussions open to all. It aims to provide a framework for joint reflection and the sharing of questions relating to architecture, its practice, and teaching. The events of the book club are therefore structured around one or more readings that are circulated in advance and that allows the exploration of a problem proposed by the moderators. The theme of the first semester is representation. Widely used in the various fields of spatial design to designate the act of making a projected, imagined, or constructed space comprehensible and sensitive, the term representation refers to the processes and techniques used to give visibility and intelligibility to one or more points of view to which attention is chosen to be focused. Representation thus implies a positioning and sorting, conscious or not, of what is to be made present. The book club’s sessions are collected on this Miroboard, from which screenshots are shown in the gallery below.