CMYK Bookstore
Based in New Delhi, CMYK Bookstore is an important source for architecture and design books in the city.
Kiran Kapoor and Helen Thomas at the original CMYK Bookstore, 2011
At the core of CMYK is a deep love for illustrated books, especially art and design books that are repositories of heritage, style, cuisine, fashion, lifestyle, photography and visual arts in general. That is why we have travelled the world, tapped our resources to bring to you the best publishers in this genre – be it Thames and Hudson, Phaidon, Taschen, Abrams or Steidl among many more. Today CMYK is synonymous with a certain aesthetic and has firmly established itself as the home of art and design books in the country.
CMYK has partnerships with Amethyst in Chennai and Pondicherry, The Purple Turtles in Bangalore and the Nalanda bookshop at the Taj Mahal Hotel, Mumbai

Priya and Kapil Kapoor