Personal Collections

Temporal Cities, Provisional Citizens: Architectures of Internment (2015-2018)


13 May, 2021

This collection lists the intellectual foundation for Anoma Pieris’s Australian Research Council Future Fellowship project: Temporal Cities, Provisional Citizens: Architectures of Internment (2015-2018).

‘I look to interdisciplinary scholarship for incisive analyses of political issues; on racism, structural exclusions and social injustices – topics that canonical architectural texts may avoid. Among books on my shelf that have proven my constant companions are those by four women of colour who have laid bare forms of structural inequity encoded within Western liberalism: Gayatri Chakrovorty Spivak [critique of subaltern studies], Kimberlé Crenshaw [critical race theory], Gloria Anzaldúa [border-thinking], and Lisa Lowe [migration studies]. I did not deliberately seek out ‘women of colour’ as inspirations, I only realised I had done so when I commenced writing the preface for my most recent collaborative project. Their scholarship speaks empathetically to urgent concerns and lived experiences that have subconsciously shaped my intellectual journey up to this point’. – Anoma Pieris

Temporal Cities, Provisional Citizens: Architectures of Internment (...

This collection lists the intellectual foundation for Anoma Pieris’s Australian Research Council Future Fellowship project: Temporal Cities, Provisional Citizens: Architectures of Internment (2015-2018). ‘I look ...