Personal Collections

Simona Mele, Julius Schwartz, Luca Bronca on The Tale of Genji

15 April, 2022

It was in another city. A sunny day with a colleague. We have heard different kind of music at various place. We sit on a bench beside the window of a coffee shop on the street by the lake, enjoying the sunshine like lazy cats, hearing the most exciting music form the local band in front of us…

two weeks ago I decided to join a wine maker to feed sheeps at midnight. it was a calming and soft experience, away from the banality of every day.

I went skiing with my grand-mother (who is almost 80 years old) and that was so precious. I’m glad I’m still able to enjoy these kind of moments and actually I was quite impressed at how good she still is though ahahah.

So one of the last things I gave myself was a long and distant trip, which I wanted to do for a long time. So I see that I gave myself an experience but I also gave myself time to do it.

Two weeks ago I treated myself to some convenience. I took the train to studio, and paid for lunch, and renewed my Adobe subscription. It wasn‘t luxurious or memorable, but when life was stressful, taking the path of least resistance was a welcome treat.

I have signed up for a mountain race this summer. It‘s a race I‘ve always dreamed of taking part in because it‘s a mythical event and is also called the race of the five 4000. Unfortunately between a torn ligament and covid I was never able to take the start. Yesterday I had to update the page at noon precisely and by chance I was able to get a spot.

The last time I treated myself was last Thursday night,
I went to the swimming pool, the one in Altstetten. It’s this one time a week I love. I enjoy the all set of rituals around, putting on your costume, taking a shower, swimming, taking a shower again, a longer one, dressing up again, taking the time. It almost feel like a purification moment, the best is when you haven‘t eaten for a long time. I don‘t go at a fixed time or day, it changes.
There are beautiful moments, seeing a mother caring for her young child,
it’s surround by people, children screaming, playing and running, even though, it stays a time on my own
It’s also this time of the week you become aware of your own body, and the one of others

I was recently able to allow myself 3 hours of self-directed/spontaneous time, which is not a given in my current circums- tances.
In the end, it led to a stroll in the neighbourhood with a short stop at a coffeehouse and a longer one in a music store. Banal but very relaxing for that very reason!

Feeling the need for some fresh air last week, I went out to take a walk. It was cold and rainy, not the most pleasant weat- her. I walked across the street and discovered a rather large and lovely park. I knew it had been there from my overuse of Google maps, but being there in person was a different experience altogether.

last thing I treated myself to was a short ride with my bike, enjoying the warm weather and sun (that was before winter came back).

I don‘t know if I would consider it a real treatment, or a gift, but in fact it gave me a real sense of well-being at a particular moment. I would talk about the flowering branch I detached from a tree just before it snowed last week. It was free, it was even a little futile if I think about it, but it gave me great joy at the time and during the week that followed, decorating and perfuming the kitchen table.

Treated myself to go buy some special ingredients from a foreign store to prepare a meal i wanted to cook for a long time. Afterwards I shared the meal with a person who is important to me

I treated myself to a new camera. I had been wanting it for a long time but I also had to save money for it over a long period of time.

the last thing I treated myself to were a few days off of my phone. Sometimes, it gets really overwhelming to be available at all times and to consume so much information/news at once. To recover, I spend a few days without my phone or am unavailable for a few days.

I treated myself to a good swim in the pool on a Sunday evening. letting the thoughts go, just counting the laps..

A few weeks ago I found a secondhand bicycle. I had been looking for this kind of bike for a few years. After some days of consideration I bought it. The first time I went on a ride with it I felt full of joy. I’m looking forward to all the trips it will take me on in the future.

last week i treated myself to a good movie in the cinema. it was relaxing to forget the own thoughts for some hours and dive into another world.

-dinner smell from far center moved by dancing sitting in silence

Lately, I‘ve been allowing myself to have a more relaxed view on performing all the time. Seeing my work and my accom- plishments from a less competitive side and being more ok with what i do without regarding the „measurable outcome“ feels like a big treat for me!


Simona Mele, Julius Schwartz, Luca Bronca on The Tale of Genji

It was in another city. A sunny day with a colleague. We have heard different kind of music at various place. We sit on a bench beside the window of a coffee shop on the street by the lake, enjoying the sunshine like lazy cats, hearing the most exciting music form the local band in […]