▴ An incident resulting in A Book I Love/1


contact us: editors@womenwritingarchitecture.org

At the heart of Women Writing Architecture is an ever-growing annotated bibliography, an open-access list of texts written by women about architecture that challenges the boundaries of each of these three terms

Created collectively through conversations, invitations and spontaneous suggestions, it is offered as a resource

  • for gathering, publishing and sharing annotated lists of texts
  • for encouragement, for finding and promoting new writers
  • and for insight into what is happening in the vivid realm where women speak up for themselves

Publications, Productions and Events

Find out more on our Forum page


Sign up for Insights into Women Writing Architecture (December Solstice 2024 just released, next issue March Equinox 2025)

Some Background

Women Writing Architecture was launched at the end of June 2021. As a process and mechanism, it is motivated by several ideas and intentions:

  • to challenge notions of hierarchy and value. The means of gathering citations – the individual elements of the bibliography – through community suggestions via annotation or collection means that it is difficult to recommend, to promote oneself. Instead, a citation accrues value through its meaning to others
  • to explore the relationship between a virtual realm and and an online community
  • to experiment with publishing mechanisms that do not require capital
  • to suggest an alternative to the ways that canons of (architectural) knowledge are created and perpetuated
  • through reflection on the three core terms: women, writing, architecture, to engage with and embody issues including gender and its non-binary definition; the relationship between writing, reading and listening; how the role of architects and the profession and definition of architecture responds to socio-economic challenges presented by climate change, for example, and by the rebalancing of history and power through decolonisation


Helen Thomas
Emilie Appercé
Jaehee Shin
Estelle Gagliardi

Editorial team, past members:
Sarah Handelman, Yagmur Kültür, Rebecca Reading, Thomas Rohrer, Barbara Thüler.

Advisory Boards:
Amale Andraos; Adam Caruso; Sofie De Caigny; Sarah Handelman; Jürg Lehni; Mary McLeod; Lizzie Malcolm; Nana Biamah-Ofosu

Website design and development:
Lizzie Malcolm with Dan Powers of Rectangle

R&D supporters:
Annmarie Adams; Niall Hobhouse of Drawing Matter / Extracts 2: Women Writing Architecture; Chair of Adam Caruso, Department of Architecture, ETH Zurich, Emma Letizia Jones; Geraldine Tedder; Mary Norman Woods

Fair use, this site is for educational purposes only. It contains original content that may not be authorized for use by the creator that is used for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research in accordance with section 107 of the Copyright Act.

The sharing and collation of citations on this website is encouraged. When citing or sharing content, please respect and credit sources. © Women Writing Architecture 2024


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